Spam: Fondazione Di Vittorio

Die Fondazione Di Vittorio möchte mir 1,5 Mio.  $ überweisen:

Dear Sir/Madam,


The Fondazione Di Vittorio, would like to notify you that you have been chosen by the board of trustees as one of the final recipients of a Grant/Donation cash aid of USD$1,500,000.00
(One Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) for your own personal education, and business development.

The Fondazione Di Vittorio, established 1977 by the Multi-Million groups and now supported by United Nations Organization (UNO) and the European Union (EU), is conceived with the
objective of human growth, educational, and community development thereby uplifting the standard of living of people.

Based on the random selection exercise of internet websites and millions of individuals and companies worldwide, you were selected among the lucky recipients to receive the award sum of US$1,500,000.00 (One Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) as grant/donations cash aid from the Fondazione Di vittorio in accordance with the enabling act of Parliament.

Note that all beneficiaries email addresses were selected randomly from over 100,000 internet websites of individuals and companies from Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East,
and Oceania as part of our International Promotions Program. You are required to contact the paying bank in DEN HAAG NETHERLANDS for the processing of your grant/donation cash
aid as this will ensure efficiency in our services. Please endeavor to quote your Qualification Numbers (A-222-6747,N-900-56) in all discussions. Your fund is now deposited with the paying Bank.

To begin your claims, kindly contact the paying bank with the below information:

1. Name
2. Age
3. Telephone
4. Qualification Number

Contact Person: Mr. Van Robben
Tel: +31 641 648 111
Fax: +31 847 119 436

All information is strictly confidential and will only be used for the purpose to which it is been requested in order to avoid unwarranted taking advantage of this programmed by non-participant or unofficial personnel. Please note that these grant/donation cash aid are strictly administered by Fondazione Di Vittorio, under delegated powers from the United Nations Organization (UNO) and European Union (EU). Finally, all funds should be claimed by their respective beneficiaries, no later than 10 days after notification. On behalf of the Board kindly, accept our warmest congratulations.

Mrs.Georgette Maessen
(Foundation officer)

Auch gibt es diesmal eine dazugehörige Internetseite:


Wie Herr Harald Hegner schon bei einer ähnlichen Spam-Mail vermutet, geht es auch hier wahrscheinlich darum zu testen, hinter welchen Mail-Adressen sich wirklich jemand verbirgt.  

Mein Fazit:

Auch kriminelle brauchen aktuelle Datensätze.